ESig95/ESig95+ v2.1 Copyright © 1996 Doesn't Byte Software _______________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THE INFORMATION AND CODE PROVIDED IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL DOESN'T BYTE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF DOESN'T BYTE SOFTWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. _______________________________________________________________________ ESig95 is designed to change signature files for most Internet e-mail software that uses one text file for one signature. ESig95 choose a signature at random from a list you create and run a selected program, i.e. Eudora, Agent, etc. A sample signature file is included. A Sys-Tray & Non-SysTray Versions are included. Please see ESig Help after installation for instructions for upgrading to v2.1 from 2.02 or lower. This is a must as ESig.dat has changed. ====================================================================== Installation: A Setup utility was used, but the file size was twice the size of the files for ESig95+. So... 1) Copy all files to a directory of your choice. 2) Run Editor.exe and fill in anything that applies to you. ====================================================================== Requirements: Windows 95/NT. Approx. 555K hard drive space. 8 Meg memory. ====================================================================== Registration: ESig95/Esig95+ can be registered for $7.00 (US). There will never be an upgrade price for registered users. Print ORDER FORM in ESig.hlp or use the included program Register to register by Visa, Mastercard, Foreign Cash, and First Virtual. ====================================================================== Distribution: ESig95+ 2.1 shareware version can be distributed freely as long as it's not charged for, except for a small disk fee ($3.00 or less), and all original files are distributed. For higher disk fees, please contact DBS. All shareware vendors must place a statement describing what the Shareware concept is. This is not free software!! ====================================================================== Contact: Doesn't Byte Software 5228 Sage St. Mtn. Home, ID 83648-1160 E-Mail: WWW: